Monday, June 15, 2009

Today....june 15, 2009???


jl's school registration f0rm was l0st...everyone's findin' it...and i to0...but we d0nt kn0w where we will find and s0me d0nt kn wat they are finding...heheheh..
time come'S jejeje and jl started to cry...jejeje then i remember that on that day we enrolled him, i came back to the school bo0kstore. For the book we brought home we're all for third yr and jl was just a second year. Through that i remember that i put it in my bag....andddddddddddddddd..yes! thier was it!!!

And we sleep happily ever after...hehhehe

But wait...

i just wanna shout!!!! can i???

huhuhuhu....i miss u mama!!!

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